Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Comparison of Marxist and Functionalist Understanding of the Role of

A Comparison of Marxist and Functionalist Understanding of the Role of Education in Society Functionalist theories assume the different parts of a society each have their own role to play (their own "function"), and work together smoothly in order to form a harmonious whole (macro). The metaphor often used to describe functionalism is that it views society as a body, with the different socialisation agents —government, media, religion, the family, etc., and, of course, education—being like the different organs in a body, each contributing in a different way to keeping the entire body healthy. Functionalism assumes that the various institutions of a society always operate so as to support that society as it is. If they didn’t, the society would perish; therefore, functionalism believes, it’s safe to assume that they do in any society one may encounter, for otherwise the society would no longer be here for us to study. Functionalism is based on value consensus which provides stability and functional prerequisites. In Marxism it is based on capitalism. In capitalism, the minority class, the bourgeoisie or capitalist employers who own the means of production make their profits by exploiting the labour of the majority, the proletariat. As a result, work under capitalism is alienating, unsatisfying, poorly paid and something over which workers have no control over. This creates the potential for class conflict. The functions of education, in functionalisms perspective, for society as a whole are to meet the shared goals (value consensus) of society. Where as Marxists see education is based on class division and capitalis... ... the system helps the transmission of society’s value consensus; prepare the young for adult roles, the selection of young people in terms of talents and abilities for appropriate roles in adult life. The provision of knowledge, skills and training necessary for effective participation in the labour force. Which in essence is based a pun meritocracy, equal opportunities, sifting and sorting people in society, having the right skills for the job and value consensus. Where as in Marxism it has a huge impact on people with power ideologies. And creates feudalism which then initially leads to capitalism which in quintessence creates class conflict. The biggest difference over all is that Functionalism wants societies to be harmonically were in Marxism it could never be achieved if everything was to be equal.

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